

Pregnancy and Childbirth marks a remarkable journey in a woman’s life. During pregnancy, mothers must take care of their physical and mental health. The World Health Organisation also recommends prenatal yoga as an excellent way to manage pregnancy-related discomfort.

If you are an expecting mother, then this blog clarifies every single question that you have. Let’s dig out how yoga benefits during your pregnancy period.

prenatal yoga


Prenatal yoga is designed specifically for expecting mothers with a motive to offer a safe and effective way to stay active throughout pregnancy. Prenatal Yoga is much more different from the traditional Yoga form. This involves gentle and safe yoga postures. 

Research studies reveal that this form of yoga practice can significantly enhance the overall quality of life for pregnant women, improving both physical and mental well-being. This yoga practice also avoids discomfort during childbirth.


Improve Physical Well-Being: During pregnancy and childbirth, it is crucial to take care of pelvic bones and abdominal muscles. Remember your whole body is going through a major physical change, so it is important to give attention. These exercises focus on improving overall body flexibility.

Enhanced Mental Health: Pregnancy and childbirth impose a mix of emotions, especially for mothers. While it is important for mothers to take care of their physical health, it is equally important to concentrate on mental well-being. A Certified personal trainer specialises in prenatal yoga and teaches you breathing techniques that aid in reducing stress and anxiety, which ultimately results in good mental health.

Better Sleep: It is no wonder that yoga helps in improving your sleep cycle. Also, pregnant women specifically face sleeping difficulties after the second trimester. Some women might experience sleep discomfort in the first trimester itself. No need to panic! This is because of your body’s hormonal changes. You are growing a human inside of you. So, it is normal to experience sleep issues. But with Prenatal Yoga, your body and mind feel relaxed and your sleep quality will also significantly improve.

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Prenatal yoga involves a mix of stretching, breathing and strengthening exercises. The different yoga forms involved are:

Stretching Exercises: Simple poses like Cat-cow stretch and butterfly pose which is called Baddha Konasana help relieve stiffness in the body.

Breathing Exercises: Breathing exercises such as Pranayama and Alternate Nostril Breathing which is called Nadi Sodhana help with breathing discomfort. 

Strengthening Exercises: Strengthening exercises such as the modified squat pose which is very good for pelvic bones and also the Chair pose which is called Utkatasana strengthens core muscles in the body.

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Before starting your prenatal yoga journey, consult your gynaecologist. Likewise, you need a mentor who can guide you and is an expert in prenatal yoga. There are a few things to keep in mind while practising prenatal yoga. They are:

  • Avoid doing deep stretches and vigorous yoga poses. Yoga poses should be light and gentle on your body.
  • Do not do deep-bending yoga forms.
  • If you are feeling uncomfortable due to a specific yoga form, inform your Personal Trainer. It is better to not try the pose again.
  • Always listen to your body. Avoid yoga poses that harm your body. This can affect both you and your baby.


We, at Athleaders, undertake prenatal yoga sessions for expecting mothers. Considering convenience as the primary concern, our highly qualified Personal Trainers come at your doorstep and guide you throughout your fitness journey. It does not stop there, We also have a Certified Nutrition coach who will craft customised nutrition plans and track them throughout your session with us.

Unlike any other yoga studios in Singapore, a team of highly qualified health professionals will work closely and make sure you have a smooth pregnancy.


While prenatal yoga can be crucial during your pregnancy period, it is also mandatory to follow a fit and healthy lifestyle post-pregnancy as well. Embrace your prenatal yoga journey and have a smooth and healthy pregnancy.