
THE POWER OF CORE EXERCISES For better strength and flexibility


In a city like Singapore, where exercise has become crucial in daily routine, it is important to understand the science behind fitness. Before starting your fitness journey, you need to work on strengthening your core. Most people ignore core exercises, which impose a negative impact on their fitness journey. Want to see significant results? Then, start incorporating core exercises into your fitness routine.

Whether you are a beginner or a fitness enthusiast, core exercises are a must. Let’s explore how core strengthening can help you achieve your fitness goals.

core exercises


Core exercises greatly help in enhancing balance and flexibility as well as mobility. Your daily movements such as walking, carrying weights at the gym or even climbing up the staircase involve the engagement of core muscles. Even if your goal is to get a six-pack, the first thing that you need to start with a fitness routine is core exercises.


These exercises are of two types, namely, static and dynamic.

Static Core Exercises: Plank is one of the best examples. Plank exercises are a great way to target your body’s core muscles. While doing planks, you will feel a great burn in your abdominal muscle region.

Dynamic Core Exercises: Exercises like crunches, leg raises and mountain climbers are excellent exercises because they target specific muscle groups.

These two are equally important for strengthening your core muscles.


Enhance body stability: These exercises help in improving your body stability. It is very common to experience flexibility issues while performing workouts. To improve your body’s stability and flexibility, you need to train your core muscles.

Improved Performance: A strong core is the basis for anybody irrespective of fitness goals. For example, if you are an athlete and you play a certain sport, the basic exercise that your trainer starts with is core exercises. Your core muscles need to be strong for better performance. Whereas in the case of beginners, you can see notable improvements in performing your daily routine.

Prevention of Injuries: Injuries are common during workouts. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a fitness enthusiast who works out 5 days a week. Core exercises help in improving your posture as well as stabilise your spine and pelvic muscles. As a result, you can avoid unwanted injuries.

Boost Metabolism Rate: Studies show that strengthening your core boosts your body’s metabolism rate. This is because multiple muscle groups are engaged during workouts. You will also tend to burn more calories even at rest.


Before starting any type of exercise, it is important to get guidance from a Certified Personal trainer. Now, let’s have a look at the exercises that you can include in your fitness routine.

Plank: Start with a push-up position. Your forearm should be placed on the ground. Now slightly raise your upper body by balancing your whole body with your toes. Your body should be in a straight line position and tighten your core. You will gradually feel a burning sensation in your abdominal region. This means that you are engaging your core muscles.

Leg Raise: Lie on the floor flat with your hands placed under the glutes for support. Now raise both your legs. Remember, while raising your legs, your upper body should remain on the ground. While doing this exercise, you need to engage your lower abs.

Glute Bridge: Lie on the floor with your knees folded. Place your hands below your glutes. Now slowly raise your hips off the floor by engaging your core muscles and releasing them down to the floor.

core exercises


If you are looking for a personal trainer who can guide you with exercises for core strengthening, then you need to contact Athleaders. With a team of highly skilled and professional Personal Trainers and Nutritional coaches, Athleaders is ranked as the top Personal Training company in Singapore. 

Is your busy schedule hindering your fitness goals? Your time has come. Athleaders send their personal trainer to your doorstep so you can workout from the comfort of your home. Keeping convenience and flexibility at the forefront, the trainers work closely to achieve your realistic fitness goals.


Core exercises are key to achieving your fitness goals. Whether your fitness goal is to reduce weight or build muscle strength, the main focus is to strengthen your core muscles. Sign up for the Athleaders Personal Training Program to transform your fitness journey.